Dental Implant Restorations In Norwalk

Includes cleaning, exam and x-rays
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Complete Your Implant Treatment

Dental Implant Restorations

Implant restorations are an essential part of the implant treatment process in Norwalk. At Riverwalk Dental Care, we provide comprehensive implant treatment, and that includes both the surgical placement of dental implants, and designing and placing dental implant restorations.

From single-tooth crowns to implant-supported bridges and dentures, Dr. David Nill can do it all. Learn more about implant restorations below, or contact us now for a consultation.

Everything You Need To Know

What Are Implant Restorations?

The term “implant restoration” is used to refer to the false teeth supported by your dental implants. It’s used to distinguish these false teeth from the implant itself, which is the small metal post or rod that’s surgically implanted into your mouth.

There are few different types of implant restorations used in dentistry today. The most common is a “single-tooth restoration,” often simply called a “dental crown.” As the name suggests, this is a dental crown made of tooth-like porcelain. It’s attached to a dental implant to replace a single missing tooth.

Implant-supported bridges are also common. These are similar to a traditional dental bridge, and can be used to replace multiple missing teeth. However, instead of attaching to healthy natural teeth, they attach to two dental implants. Implant-supported bridges are ideal for replacing a series of 2-4 adjacent missing teeth.

Finally, there are implant-supported dentures. These are a full set of upper, lower, or both arches of teeth. They attach to a set of 4-6 dental implants that are surgically implanted into your mouth. The dentures attach to these implants, and are held securely in place. Compared to traditional bridges, implant-supported dentures look and feel more natural. They also don’t shift or move, which can be a problem with traditional dentures.

Monolithic zirconia restorations full arch implant supported with the ceramic load in vestibular, back background

How Often Do I Need

A New Implant Restoration?

This will vary depending on how well you care for the implant and your restoration, your oral health, and a number of other factors. As a rule, though, you can expect to replace your implant restoration about every 15 years.

This is because implant restorations go through a lot of wear and tear as you bite, chew, and live your day-to-day life. While the underlying metal implant will never wear out, the restoration may wear out, crack, or become damaged over time.

This is one of the reasons why you need to keep seeing a dentist every 6 months for preventive care. A dentist like Dr. David Nill can examine your natural teeth and your implant restorations, and make sure everything looks good. And if he notices a problem with your restoration, he can replace it right away.

senior woman smiling

Understanding The Process

Of Implant Restorations

The process typically begins within a few weeks of your dental implant placement surgery. You will come back to our office for several post-surgery checkups. During this time, Dr. Nill will make sure that your mouth is healing properly.

In addition, he will take images and impressions of your mouth and your dental implants. He will send this information to a dental lab, where they will build your permanent implant restoration.

Once your mouth is fully healed, you’ll come back to our office, and Dr. Nill will check your implant and your restoration to make sure everything fits together perfectly. Then, he’ll attach your restoration to your implant permanently, completing the procedure.