Dental Implants in Norwalk

Includes cleaning, exam and x-rays
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Permanent Smile Resroration

Dental Implants

If you’re interested in restoring one or more missing teeth in Norwalk, dental implants from Dr. David Nill may be right for you. At Riverwalk Dental Care, we can provide you with a permanent solution to your missing teeth, and restore the natural function and beauty of your smile. Read on to learn more, or contact us now to schedule a complimentary implant consultation.

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Understanding the Basics

What Is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants consist of two basic components. The implant itself is a rod of titanium that’s shaped like a screw, and is placed directly into your jaw and gum tissue. This implant heals and bonds with the tissue, functioning as an artificial tooth root.

The second component is a dental implant restoration, such as a dental crown. This restoration is attached to the implant, and restores the natural shape and appearance of your teeth. A single crown may be used with one dental implant, or multiple implants may be used to support dental bridges or implant-supported dentures.

patient getting teeth checked

What to Expect

The Implant Placement Process

After you’ve been approved for a dental implant, you’ll come to Riverwalk Dental Care to have your implant placed. Dr. Nill will clean and numb your mouth, then create an incision in your gum and jaw based on your comprehensive treatment plan.

Then, he will place an implant into this opening, clean the area, and gently stitch it up so that it can heal. This process will be repeated if you’re having multiple implants placed. Afterwards, you’ll be sent home to rest and heal.

dental implant model

What to Expect

The Implant Restoration Process

Initial recovery after your implant is placed takes only about 1-2 weeks. However, it will take about 3-6 months for your implant to permanently bond jaw bone in a process called “osseointegration”. During this time, you’ll come into our office for multiple follow-up appointments. Dr. Nill will take impressions and images of your mouth as it heals, and work with a dental lab to create your implant restoration.

Once your mouth has completely healed and your implant restoration is finished, you’ll come into our office for your final appointment. Dr. Nill will permanently attach your restoration to your dental implant,and kindly give you instructions on how to care for your new smile.

Understanding the Benefits

Why Choose A Dental Implant?

First, dental implants last longer than any other type of dental restoration — up to 30+ years with proper care. They also require very little special treatment. You can simply brush and floss normally, and see Dr. Nill for regular cleanings every six months and implant maintenance.

Dental implants will never shift or move, and they look and feel completely natural. Not only that, but they also help stimulate and protect your jaw bone, preventing bone loss. Bone loss is a common complication after losing one or more teeth, and can negatively affect your facial structure and your appearance. At Riverwalk, we’ll take great care to help you maintain optimal health long after procedures are complete.

dental implant