Cosmetic Dentistry in Norwalk

Includes cleaning, exam and x-rays
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Get the Smile You’ve Always Wanted

Cosmetic Dentistry

If you’re self-conscious about your smile, Dr. David Nill is here to help Norwalk patients with cosmetic dentistry. At Riverwalk Dental Care, we can provide you with the care you need to correct teeth staining, gaps in your smile, uneven teeth, and so much more. Learn more below, or contact us now to schedule a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Nill.

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Fix Common Problems

Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

Cosmetic dentistry can solve any issue related to the appearance of your teeth, such as gaps in your smile, misshapen or uneven teeth, teeth stains, and even minor chips and tooth damage.

However, it’s not intended to repair damaged teeth. For that, restorative dental procedures like dental crowns may be required. Cosmetic dentistry also should not be used to correct major issues with your jaw or teeth alignment. To correct these issues, orthodontic treatments like braces or Invisalign may be required.

Reverse Yellowing & Stains

Take-Home and In-Office Teeth Whitening

We offer both take-home and in-office chemical teeth whitening using high-quality, professional-grade whitening products. In-office whitening is done by Dr. Nill at Riverwalk Dental Care, and provides you with the fastest results. You can whiten your teeth up to 5 or more shades in a single appointment, so it’s great if you need whiter teeth for a special occasion.

Take-home teeth whitening is done with custom-built whitening trays. You’ll come to our office to have a set of trays built, and to receive whitening products and instructions on their use from Dr. Nill. Then, you’ll simply treat yourself at home according to his instructions, and you’ll get a beautiful, bright smile in just a few weeks of treatment.

before and after teeth whitening

Reshape Your Smile

Dental Bonding and Enameloplasty

Dental bonding is done by applying a tooth-colored dental resin directly to your tooth. This resin is sculpted, hardened, and trimmed to correct issues like minor chips, uneven teeth, teeth staining, and more. The process is non-invasive, and it takes only 30-60 minutes to treat each tooth.

Enameloplasty (bonding and contouring) is also often done alongside bonding. In this treatment, Dr. Nill will remove a thin layer of material from your enamel to treat issues like pointed or uneven teeth, and provide you with a more even, pleasing smile.

Versatile Smile Restoration


Dental veneers are thin dental prostheses, which are shaped like a natural tooth and are typically made out of porcelain. They cover up the front surfaces of your teeth, and can treat just about any cosmetic dental problem, from severe tooth stains to gaps in your smile, slightly crooked teeth, and more. With veneers from Dr. David Nill at Riverwalk Dental Care, you can completely change your smile in just 2 appointments over a period of about 2-3 weeks.

dental veneer

“No-Prep” Veneers


Lumineers are just like veneers, but they are much thinner. This means they typically can be attached to your teeth without needing to remove any natural enamel. Because of this, the placement process is less invasive, and can usually be reversed if you change your mind about Lumineers.

Straighten Your Smile


We understand the positive impact an even, straight bite can have on patient confidence and wellbeing. If you’re seeking to align your smile, we proudly offer Invisalign - the most comfortable and convenient straightening solution, perfectly customized to fit your unique smile.

Invisalign is completely clear and removable, yielding a straighter smile without the frustration or interruption of traditional metal braces. Under the guidance of Dr. Nill, you’ll use a series of clear aligners to gradually correct your smile and treat minor-to-moderate orthodontic problems, often within just 1 year!

With Invisalign, the path to creating a more beautiful and confident smile is easy, and Dr. Nill will gladly be there to guide you throughout the process.

woman holding invisalign

Customized Care

Smile Makeovers

Need more than one cosmetic treatment? By pairing restorative treatment with cosmetic care, Dr. Nill will work with you in crafting a smile that’s healthy, functional, and dazzling! If you have damaged or decayed teeth, Dr. Nill will implement the most advanced restorative methods in order to get the health of your smile back in tip-top shape.

Then, he’ll focus on creating brighter, more beautiful beams with cosmetic treatment to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of. If you’re looking to renew the health and appearance of your teeth, Dr. Nill can develop a comprehensive smile makeover plan that’s customized for your needs. Contact us now to schedule your appointment, and get started right away.

man checking teeth after dental exam

Get a Smile Makeover Consultation!