Full-Arch Implants in Norwalk

Includes cleaning, exam and x-rays
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Restore Your Smile Permanently

Full-Arch Implants

If you are missing most of your natural teeth and would like to explore alternatives to traditional dentures, Dr. David Nill is here to bring durable solutions to Norwalk patients. With a set of full-arch implants from Riverwalk Dental Care, you can permanently restore your smile and avoid common issues related to traditional implants, such as shifting of your dentures and jaw bone loss. Read on to learn more, or contact us now to get a complimentary implant consultation.

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Everything You Need to Know

What Are Full-Arch Implants?

Full-arch implants consist either of a removable implant overdenture, or a permanent, non-removable implant-supported bridge. These prostheses attach to a series of 4-6 dental implants that are placed into your upper and lower jaw.

In contrast to traditional dentures, which are only held onto your gums by friction, full-arch implants are securely anchored in place onto multiple implants. This makes them more stable, and provides you a smile that looks and feels more natural.

Understanding the Benefits

Why Choose Full-Arch Implants?

First, full-arch implants will never shift or move, unlike dentures. They look and feel more natural, and provide you with a beautiful smile. Because full-arch implants are supported by dental implants, they help strengthen your jaw bone. This prevents bone loss, which is a common problem in patients who wear dentures for a prolonged period of time. In addition, full-arch implants are longer-lasting and require less special care and attention, compared to traditional dentures. For the right candidate, a set of full-arch implants can be one of the best options for restoring smiles!

full arch dental implant

What to Expect

The Full-Arch Implant Procedure

After Dr. Nill has approved you for treatment, he will develop your surgical treatment plan, and schedule your implant placement procedure. Depending on your oral health, you may also need to undergo pre-treatment surgeries, like tooth extraction and bone ridge smoothing. 

At your surgical appointment, Dr. Nill will clean and numb your mouth. Then, he will gently use a dental drill to create openings in your jaw and gum tissue, and place a set of 4-6 dental implants in the upper arch and lower arch of your jaw. 

Once your implants have been placed, you’ll get a set of temporary teeth to wear while you recover. You will need to eat a diet of only soft foods for at least 4-6 weeks while you recover from surgery. Over the next 3-6 months, you will come in for regular appointments at our office, so that Dr. Nill can check on your healing progress, and begin crafting your permanent set of removable implant-supported dentures or permanent, implant-supported bridges.

After your mouth has fully healed, you’ll come back to our office to get your permanent set of teeth, and Dr. Nill will provide you with more instructions on how to care for your new smile properly.

How Much Do Full-Arch Implants Cost?

Schedule a Free Consultation!

The price of a set of full-arch implants can vary quite a bit depending on the pre-treatment surgeries you need, the type of restoration you choose, your overall oral health, and a number of other factors. The best way to find out how much you’ll pay for your procedure is to contact Riverwalk Dental Care for a free consultation with Dr. David Nill.

Woman smiling